Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Knowing your Rights!

Know Your Rights!

 Why? Because Jail isn't where you belong.  The U.S. Constitution : No laws shall be made that prohibits favors or opposes anyone’s religious choices. A person cannot be arrested for saying what they think. The media in all manners has the right to present news and opinions. Anyone or any group has the right to assemble in a peaceful manner and to petition the government. This is what it’s all about!

Citizens are allowed to purchase and carry guns for the protection and safety of their homes, person, property, state or country. That’s your 2nd Amendment Right!
Citizens cannot be forced to house soldiers without the homeowners expressed consent. We at In and Out Bail Bonds love the ARMY, NAVY, AIRFORCE, MARINES!

In order to be charged with a crime, law enforcement agencies both state and federal have to show probable cause, or have a good reason to charge a person with a crime. No law enforcement agency is allowed to enter a home without the owner’s consent or without a warrant granted by the courts….been there, done that!

In order to be prosecuted for a crime, a grand jury must vote that there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed and that there is enough suspicion that the person charged with the crime may be guilty. No one can be forced to make statements the will incriminate them. A person is entitled to due process of law, right?, Which means proper legal steps must be made from arrest through outcome. If the government seizes your property for public use the owner must be paid a fair price for it. That’s the GRAND JURY.

Once a person is arrested they have the right to a speedy trial, which ensures the accused that they won’t have to wait a long time without ever hearing the charges against him. Everyone is entitled to a lawyer if they cannot afford one. And everyone has the right to know who their accusers are.

Anyone has the right to request a jury trial when it comes to civil matters.
The amount of bail that is set is dependent on the seriousness of the crime. The punishment must also fit the crime.
Just because certain rights may not have been mentioned specifically in the first 10 Amendments does not mean that people do not have those particular rights.
In And Out Bail Bonds Services the Entire State of Connecticut. Local Rapid Reliable 24/7 .
Call us at 860-970-3443 or 203-886-5925      
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